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Showing posts from January, 2019

What Are The Common Legal Requirements to Contest a Will?

A will is a legal document that helps to disperse money as well as assets after an individual has passed away. It is very important to have one whether you have a large or small estate. It makes it much easier for friends and family once the individual has passed on. It also typically avoids attorney fees as well as will and probate court . Although a will is typically non-negotiable and must be followed exactly there are grounds for contesting it. Below are just a few of the most common legal requirements for being allowed to contest one. The Individual Was Wrongly Influenced As people age or become sicker their mental as well as their physical state often begins to slip. They may not be thinking clearly or able to make decisions on their own. When this happens family plus friends often step in to offer aid. Sometimes those offering aid do not have the best intentions. They often wrongly influence the individual by pressuring or even threatening them. Although...